Research Supporting Scientific Teaching/Research-Based Instructional Strategies
- Books
- Scientific Teaching (Handelsman et al.)
- How Learning Works (Ambrose et al.)
- Teaching First-Year College Students (Erickson, Peters and Strommer)
- Recommended Articles
- Scientific Teaching (Handelsman, 2004)
- Challenge Your Teaching (Feig, 2004)
- Teaching More by Lecturing Less (Knight and Wood, 2005)
- Changing the Culture of Science Education at Research Universities (Anderson et al. 2011)
- Reports (Govt and non-profit)
- Bio2010 (National Academy of Sciences, 2003)
- Vision and Change (NSF and AAAS, 2011)
- PCAST Report on Undergraduate STEM Education (OSTP, 2012)
Specific Strategies for Active-Learning Classrooms
- Just-in-time teaching (JITT)
- POGIL - Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
- Peer-Instruction (Mazur Group - Harvard)
- Think-Pair-Share Method
- Selective Use of the Primary Literature Transforms the Classroom into a Virtual Laboratory (PDF)
- Case Studies and Problem-Based Learning
Assessment Techniques
- Handbook of Classroom Assessment Techniques by Cross and Angelo
- FLAG - Field-Tested Learning Assessment Guide
Web Resources
- Geosciences Teaching and Learning Site
- Charles Henderson' s Web Site on Research Based Instructional Strategies
- Science Magazine's Education Forum
- VIPEr - Web resources for teaching inorganic chemistry
- Avogadro - Molecular visualization software
- PHeT Physics Education Site (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder)
- Molecular Simulations
- Greenbowe Simulation
- ChemConnections (Beloit College)